E-Mail Search Routine


Purpose:  To locate a Name or Firm record with a specified email address.


Launch Point: This routine can be launched from the following location(s):


      File Drop-Down Menu (on the main system screen) →


Example:  When the routine is launched a window will open


Enter the email address in the Email fields and click Display Matches. Records with a match in the email field will be displayed in the grid.


If you do not know the full email address, or want to search for all records with a certain domain in their email address, enter the portion of the email address for which you want to search, and check the Search for text anywhere in email address checkbox. When you click Display Matches, all records containing that text in their email address will be displayed.


If a match was found for a firm, the Name column will be blank. If a match is found for an individual, his/her firm name will display, if available. In either instance, a double-click in either the Name or Firm column will open that record.